About the Mini Tiles

Square photo prints fixed onto a lightweight black foamboard support, in either 6 by 6 or 8 by 8 cm size. You can order in collages of 12 respectively 6 pieces with either individual images or one image stretched on the collage 
mini tiles
Our Mini Tiles can be ordered in sets of
12 pieces of 6 by 6 cm
6 pieces of 8 by 8 cm
The magnets are delivered to you in a safe keeping box for later use or if you wish to gift them
Your photos are printed on
high quality professional grade photo paper
glossy or matt finish
professional vivid inks for best photo quality
please note that there is no UV protection added to these prints, please avoid placing your product in direct sunlight to avoid discoloration
depending on the placement of the tiles and amount of light reaching the tile, the life span on our printed product can be anywhere between 6 months to 3 years